Wednesday 15 October 2014

Maintenance jobs...continued

I had the lovely Fred (maintenance guy) and another MJH guy pop in to install my new microwave today which was a super surprise!

As I explained in this post, I was happy just to see the mw get fixed, (deep down I was hoping for a new one), so after a good 3 or so weeks and the guy from Kitchen Imagine coming last week to cut out some more vents, I certainly was surprised to see a brand newy to turn up!.

It didn't take long to take the old one out and pop the new one in but I had to laugh when it came to testing it.

The door wouldn't open properly, so after some time I said that maybe the trim isn't on properly and stopping the door from opening up freely and needs to be adjusted.

So as Ryan was getting it out, we saw a flash come from the inside and I thought it was going to blow up.

I ran into the lounge room and watched from a distance (such a scaredy cat) as they put it on the bench to take off the trim (like I said) to test the door.

Voila' it opened and as I thought, It was the trim that just needed a bit of a tweak.

Then he realised that the flash that went off just before, was in fact the light blowing...OMG, I'm not meant to have this damn microwave!

They tried to see if they could just take the light out of the old one to put in for now, but you cant get to it unless you pull the whole thing apart...grrrr.

So I have a new microwave with no light, but at least it works I guess.

Not wanting to forfeit the warranty, they will write up a report back at the office and get someone form Kitchen Image to come and put another light in for me...hopefully by next week... phew!

But in the's my shiny new one..

the light should be on with the door opened...see how you can't get to it?

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