Thursday 21 August 2014

Laundry Today or...

Naked Tomorrow!
I put my skills to the test and put a twist to the everyday modern wash room - The 'Laundry'
I've been putting it off for some time now, and with not much else to do outside, well it was just screaming for 'help'.
Sure I've said many times now, 'I'll do it over the weekend when I have a spare hour', but there's never enough hours in a day and there's never enough days in a weekend! 
So while I was 'doing the washing' the other day, the last straw was when I couldn't find where I had put the stain remover that I knew I brought home from shopping last week. 
It turns out that the more you look for something, the more often that something is right in front of your eyes. 

That's right, after searching high and low for about 30 mins, I realised I was looking for the wrong bottle anyway...doh!  That's when I knew it was time for a big clean up and get Organised

I used my old sewing baskets that I bought last year (never used), and took the lids off. Now I store all the toilet products and smelly thingy's in them. I also put all of my dusting cloths and shoe cleaners in another, and so on.

Tinware seems to be the rage at the moment especially made for use in the laundry and I found these ones at Kmart. They seem to be in every shop these days! And even spotlight have brought out a beautiful 'pale blue' range which looks fabulously retro!

Now this isn't everyone's cuppa tea but....

I took the doors off too...say what!

I was originally only going to take the centre one off but after looking at it, I, take 'em all off!

Besides, with a tidy cubby like this, why hide it?

I looooove coming in here and doing the laundry now, and can find what I need straight away.

this is the only photo I had of the laundry before handover...looks awful doesn't it, so filthy? 

Ta da...the doors are off, see I told you I have Buddhas everywhere! I decided not to replace the doors after standing back and admiring. Besides, I think it looks kinda funky without 'em. I will however, have to make sure it stays this clean all the time...ah the work one creates for herself!

Because we had the standard '1 row', of tiles that you get with project homes, we had some 'wet area' tiles left over, so we got our tilers to lay them after they finished the pool area (back in Jan), I still haven't painted the edges as's just something else I've had on my 'to-do' list! 

Look at all that bench goes on and on and on and on and on and on and get the idea!

I always get an email from BHG and when I saw these 'free' downloadable tags...well who could say no? You can download your own here

A friend of mine from Melbourne, sent me a lovely basket of goodies a couple of years ago....(I've never used them shhhhh), so I decided to take them out of the bathroom drawer, and put them on display...not sure about the deodorant or body wash being in the laundry, but they're nifty bottles none the less lol!

MY HOUSE RULEZ...hehe -Kmart

mmmmm, I think this was made for me! From Kmart stores

keep watching to see what I want to do to the centre of the will be amazed!

“Have no fear of perfection – you’ll never reach it.”  Salvador DalĂ­
Joke of the day...
Wife: "I look fat. Can you give me a compliment?" 
Husband: "You have perfect eyesight."

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