Tuesday 7 October 2014

Maintenance jobs

We're finally seeing the last of the maintenance jobs being completed at last. The lovely Fred (handy all rounder) has done all the painting touch-ups and fixed the bathroom cupboard doors that were out slightly and rubbed when closing.

He also drilled a couple of holes in the cupboard just behind the built-in microwave to allow for more air flow to stop the mw from steaming up when used. It hasn't improved, so we are now waiting on the guy from Kitchen Image to come back tomorrow (we missed our appointment due to flying back a day late last week) to have a look and see what needs to be done.

With so much steam escaping when you open the door after heating something up (even if it's for 2 mins or so), it's made a horrible mark on the trim and leaves a horrible smell on the inside so I'm hoping if the guy can't fix it, the whole MW will be replaced.

I'll never use the convection side of it (I have a proper oven to do all my cooking in), so I'm more than happy if they can just replace it with a normal microwave instead. Besides, it's that small on the inside that you cant fit much more than a small bowl or plate in it anyway. If I knew how small built-in's were, I wouldnt've paid the extra $$ to have one!
Never mind, you live and learn I guess.

We had the battens to the pavilion receive another coat of stain which we didn't have on our maintenance sheet (I forgot), but when Brian (SS) came over to tell me of the jobs he was handling to be fixed (as written down at handover), he said that he was concerned that on one side the stain was uneven. Now that's taking his role seriously even if it's 9 months later!

The down pipe to the front (near the study window) has been overflowing when we get heavy rain so Brian had his guy come take a look. Due to all the nettles that fall off the heritage pine trees out the far back, they had been blocking the pipe at the bend (as it comes off the guttering and goes down the wall) so now that's been fixed it's flowing like it should.

We had the guys come and fix the bi-fold doors. The ones in the meal area weren't opening/closing properly and started rubbing in the one spot which made us think that it could be an issue with the lentil/beam that gets put in before the bricks go on. But it turned out to be that the door just needed a slight adjustment and the locking bolts trimmed down just a little to make locking it smoother. Now she opens/shuts like a dream and with a one finger push.

We are still waiting for the sheet of glass to be replaced in one of the doors where it was obviously scratched before the bi-folds left the factory.

I noticed it straight away at hand over as it looked like it was a number (door measurement) that had been put on possibly with a chalk pen or something.

We also had the supervisor from colour tile come to take a look at the 2 deep scratches to the floor tiles in the ensuite.

He said that they were probably made by someone using a ladder, maybe the electricians putting the fan/heater in since it was directly above the scratched tiles.

He managed to get the scratches out within minutes and low and behold...used the same tile cleaner that I use, as well as a little magic coloured powder (wouldn't tell me what it was) that he had...go figure!

I kept calling him the 'Magician' because I tried to get the scratches out when I first polished the tiles after hand over and before we moved in read this but to no avail. I may not have been rubbing hard enough or just thought that they just need replacing and just skimmed over them but he seemed to make it look easy and before I knew it, the scratches had vanished...poof!

We have other tiles that just look like seconds (if you ask me) and even though it's only obvious in certain light, I know they're there. I guess it's because they're so dark in colour that they have these imperfections to them and because there's so many that are like it, it's hard to replace them and get the same batch colour with new ones.

I noticed from the start that some of them (no matter how much I polish them), seem to have like a strange coating or film on them too, but when the guy was here (once again due to certainly light), we  couldn't find them.

What (I realised after he had gone) I should've done was before he got here was to find them and put a bit of masking tape on them and then show him.

So apart from the glass for the bi-fold door to be installed and the MW to be looked at, that's all thats left to be fixed.

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