Monday 4 November 2013

Benchtops and Basins

Geoff sent me a message that he had gotten from MJH saying that the painting has now commenced at the house today. I was so happy because the painters told us last week, that they wouldn't be starting on ours for another couple of weeks.

Just before noon, I got a call from Brian (now think confused), who said that the painters will be there just after lunch to do the first coat then he will inspect it for faults and have them fixed before they continue....woo hoo, finally something's getting done.

We went to take a look at what they done later in the afternoon and found that they done more than just paint, they had installed the benchtops and basins woohoo!


merrynamy - Ohh those colours *swoon*

Me - Oh Merryn thank you, I'm sure yours will look just as good and you'll be swooning all over again!

M. Azim - Looks Great... All your selections complement each other..Good work!!

Me - Thanks Muhammad I'm extremely happy 

M. Azim - have been following your Blog and seems like we are 1 or 2 weeks behind you.Your house looks great too.. Love your selections.

Me - Thanks Muhammad, you won't know yourself when you see the tiles all finished it's another step closer to handover  for me. I'm so happy with our selections so far and are so pleased they look as good as expected. Choosing them was a bit of a hit and miss but so far so good. Good luck with the rest of your build.


  1. Looks Great... All your selections complement each other..Good work!!

  2. Thanks Muhammad I'm extremely happy

  3. Oh merrynamy thank you, I'm sure yours will look just as good and you'll be swooning all over again!
